╨╧рб▒с>■  PR■   O                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ье┴a Ё┐ЎjbjbЗtЗt $ээє       И┤┤┤╕№№№Lt t t 8м ╕ L╡к╪ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ,......,_R▒иZ№▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ Z░ №№▄ ▄ o░ ░ ░ ▄ 4№▄ №▄ ,░ $4└$ф№№▄ ,░ ░ О╘h№№╠ r$─t  а<Е0╡L─Y░ Y ░ №LL$pLLp Adhoc CC Committee: Humanities Elizabeth Barkley, Marc Knobel, Barbara Shewfelt 4-10-08 Note: This is still just a preliminary draft. Nothing final has been decided by the CCCаand all faculty input is requested and appreciated. In addition, the CCC meetings are open and faculty members are invited to attend the CCC meeting in which this requirement is next discussed. Furthermore, any changes to the GE Requirement - if and when they are implemented - would be "grandfathered in" so that currently enrolled students would not be impacted. The humanities include courses in Arts and Letters that give students knowledge and understanding of significant works of the human intellect and imagination. These works cover all the varieties of human expression through time. Knowledge of the significance of the historical and cultural context in which the works are created and interpreted expands the studentsТ awareness of the human condition, cultivating an appreciation of human values and achievements. Humanities courses should enable students to participate in social and cultural communities associated with artistic and literary endeavors, enriching their personal and professional lives. A course meeting the Humanities requirement incorporates a multidisciplinary approach (drawing from history, literature, philosophy, religion, and the arts) as it addresses and explores central questions about the meaning and experience of human life. A course meeting the Humanities General Education Area I Requirement must help students to acquire knowledge and understanding of significant artistic, literary, and philosophical works and the historical and cultural context in which the works were created and interpreted. deepen their knowledge of the human condition through systematic inquiry into consciousness, values, ideas, and ideals. develop appreciation for what is significant about human life and its creations. make reasoned judgments that reflect ethical and aesthetic human values. develop the ability to respond to artistic and literary works both analytically and affectively through writing as well as through other forms of artistic expression. Recommended characteristics include how the course will help students develop: an understanding of the ambiguities, vagaries, and value inherent in human language. an appreciation of nonverbal communication to be found in the visual and performing arts. a recognition of the variety of valid interpretations of artistic expression. an appreciation of our common humanity within the context of diverse cultures. the practice of thinking critically, including the ability to find, recognize, analyze, evaluate, and communicate ideas, information, and opinions as they relate to the products of human intellect and imagination. 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-) next-¤ Q)S -(a,discus-¤ Q)|s-)ed.  - ■ └ о)< -) Furthermore,-¤ Q(a -) any  - ■ └ о)H -) changes-¤ Q)г -) to  - ■ └ о)' -) the-¤ Q)=   - ■ └ о) G-)# E Requirement-¤ Q(aЁ -) -) if an  - ■ └ о)hd-) when-¤ Q)v -) they  - ■ └ о)S -) are (Ъ, implemented (Ъ8-) would b  - ■ └ о)нe-) "grandfathered-¤ Q(ЪJ -) in"  - ■ └ о)< -) so-¤ Q), -) tha  - ■ └ о)@t-) currently-¤ Q)├ -) enrolled  - ■ └ о)ж -) students would not be  - ■ └ о(Ъ\ -(╘, impacted.- └о)─ (, -*:"The humanities include courses in   - ■ └ о(HхA-)#rts-¤ Q)2 -) and ■- ¤ А \)H -) Letters-¤`г)Л -) that ■- ¤ А \)K -) give-¤`г)V -) students ■- ¤ А \)г -) knowledge-¤`г)█ -) an  - ■ └ о)/d -(Б,understanding of significan  - ■ └ о(БPt-)  works-¤ Q)З -) o  - ■ └ о)f-) the-¤ Q)J -) huma  - ■ └ о)on-) i  - ■ └ о)n-)tellect-¤ Q)z -) and  - ■ └ о)H -) imagination  - ■ └ о)я.-)  These-¤ Q)Р -) works ■- ¤ А \)z -(╗,cover all the v  - ■ └ о(╗Ja-)rieties-¤ Q)z -) of  - ■ └ о)* -) h  - ■ └ о)u-)man-¤ Q)V -) expression  - ■ └ о)╒ -) throu  - ■ └ о)jg-)h) time  - ■ └ о)f.-)  -¤ Q)  -) Knowledge  - ■ └ о)ц o-)%f-¤ Q) -) the  - ■ └ о)= -) sign  - ■ └ о)Si-) ficance-¤ Q)Р -) of ■- ¤ А \)* -(ї,the historical and cult  - ■ └ о(ї▌u-)ral-¤ Q)5 -) context ■- ¤ А \)У -) in-¤`г)' -) which ■- ¤ А \)z -) th  - ■ └ о)'e-) wo  - ■ └ о)Jr-)ks-¤ Q), -) are  - ■ └ о)= -) created-¤ Q)Р -) and  - ■ └ о)H -) inter  - ■ └ о)\p-)reted-¤ Q)d -) expands  - ■ └ о)г -) the (/,*students╒ awareness of the human condition  - ■ └ о(/Щ,-)  culti  - ■ └ о)fv-)ating-¤ Q)d -) an  - ■ └ о)/ -) appreciation-¤ Q)ў   - ■ └ о) o-)f-¤ Q) -) huma  - ■ └ о)on-) values-¤ Q)М -) and ■- ¤ А \)H -(h,achievements. Humanities co(hД-urses should enable students to participate i  - ■ └ о(hъn-) social-¤ Q)Б -) and  - ■ └ о)H -) cultura  - ■ └ о)Лl -(в,0communities associated with artistic and literar  - ■ └ о(в▄y-)   - ■ └ о) e-) ndeavors,-¤ Q)┴ -) enriching  - ■ └ о)╜ -) the  - ■ └ о)=i-) r-¤ Q) -) personal  - ■ └ о)й -) an  - ■ └ о)/d -(▄,professional lives.- └о(▄Ш (, -*9A course meeting the Huma  - ■ └ о(Oon-)ities-¤ Q)S -) requirement  - ■ └ о)№ -) i  - ■ └ о)n-)corporat-¤ Q)оe-)s  - ■ └ о) -) a-¤ Q) -) multidisciplinary  - ■ └ о(OЕ -) a)pproach  - ■ └ о)й -(Й,(drawing from history, l  - ■ └ о(Йi-) terature,-¤ Q)░ -) philosophy  - ■ └ о)с,-) religion,-¤ Q)╗   - ■ └ о) a-)nd-¤ Q)5 -) th  - ■ └ о)*e-) arts)-¤ Q)k -) as  - ■ └ о), -) it-¤ Q) -) addresses  - ■ └ о)├ -) and (├,+explores central questions about the meanin  - ■ └ о(├╗g-) a  - ■ └ о)&n-)d-¤ Q) -) experience  - ■ └ о)▌ -) of-¤ Q)* -) huma  - ■ └ о)xn-) l  - ■ └ о)i-) fe.  - ■ └ о)4 -)  A-¤ Q)1 -) course ■- ¤ А \)В -(№,meeting the Humanities General  - ■ └ о(№╡ -) Education-¤ Q)╦ -) Area ■- ¤ А \)a -) I-¤ Q) -) Requirement  - ■ └ о(№% -) must-¤ Q)a -) help  - ■ └ о)V -) st)! udents to - А\)├ , █ Wingdings█-(6wз,╤Arial╤&-%¤ () -)4%acquire knowledge and understanding o  - ■ └ о(6рf-) significa  - ■ └ о)╣n-)t-¤ Q) -) artistic  - ■ └ о)И,-)  literar  - ■ └ о)Еy-),-¤ Q)  -) an  - ■ └ о)/d -(p┬%philosophical works and the historica  - ■ └ о(pоl-)  and-¤ Q)U -) cultura  - ■ └ о)Лl -)context-¤ Q)У -) in  - ■ └ о)' -) which-¤ Q)z -) th  - ■ └ о)'e-) works-¤ Q)З -) were ■- ¤ А \)a -(к┬created and interprete  - ■ └ о(кtd-).- А\)  █-(уwз,╤Arial╤&-%¤ () -)4deepen their knowledge o  - ■ └ о(у╞f-) the-¤ Q)J -) huma  - ■ └ о)on-) condition-¤ Q)╩ -) t  - ■ └ о)hr-)(ough-¤ Q)d -) systema)аtic inquiry int  - ■ └ о(уфo -(┬ consciousn-¤ Q)▌e-)ss,  - ■ └ о)3 -) values,-¤ Q)М -) ideas,  - ■ └ о)s -) and-¤ Q)H -) ideals.  - ■ └ о)Б - А\)  █-(Wwз╤&-%¤ () -)4develop appreciation fo  - ■ └ о(WЫr-) what-¤ Q)n -) is  - ■ └ о)! -) signi  - ■ └ о)af-)icant-¤ Q)a -) about ■- ¤ А \)o -) human-¤`г)И -) life ■- ¤ А \)C -) an  - ■ └ о)/d-) its-¤ Q)< -) creations.- А\)┴ █-(Сwз╤&-%¤ () -)4#make reasoned judgments that reflec  - ■ └ о(Саt-)  ethical-¤ Q)Т -) and  - ■ └ о)H a-)"esthetic-¤ Q)Ш -) human  - ■ └ о)И -) values.)М - А\)  █-(╩wз╤&-%¤ () -)4develop the ability  - ■ └ о(╩7 -) to-¤ Q)' -) respond  - ■ └ о)Ю -) t  - ■ └ о)o-) artisti)c an  - ■ └ о)Rd-) litera  - ■ └ о)tr-)y-¤ Q) -) works  - ■ └ о)z -) both-¤ Q)Y -) analyticall  - ■ └ о)╨y-) and ( ┬affectively throug  - ■ └ о( (h-) writin  - ■ └ о)Еg-) as-¤ Q)6 -) well  - ■ └ о)V -) as-¤ Q)) -) throug  - ■ └ о)Гh-) oth  - ■ └ о)Me-)r-¤ Q) -) f  - ■ └ о)o-)rms-¤ Q)K -) o  - ■ └ о)f-) artistic-¤ Q)Х -) expression.- А\)т - └о( >, -*:ORecommended characteristics include how the course will help students develop: - А\( xС █-( ▒wз╤&-%¤ () -)4an understanding of  - ■ └ о( ▒P -) the-¤ Q)= -) ambiguities  - ■ └ о)щ,-) vagaries,-¤ Q)└ -) an)/d  - ■ └ о) -) value-¤ Q)l -) inherent  - ■ └ о)д -) i  - ■ └ о)n-) human-¤ Q)Х -) language.- А\)┴ █-( ыwз╤&-%¤ () -)4an appreciation o  - ■ └ о( ыf-) nonverbal-¤ Q)╒ -) communicatio  - ■ └ о( ы+n-) to-¤ Q)4 -) b  - ■ └ о)e -)!found-¤ Q)u -) in ■- ¤ А \)' -) the-¤`г)= -) visual ■- ¤ А \)w -) and-¤`г)H -) pe  - ■ └ о)/r-)formin  - ■ └ о)Йg -( %┬arts.- └о)U █-( _wз╤&-%¤ () -)4a recognition o  - ■ └ о( _яf-) the-¤ Q)J -) v  - ■ └ о)a-)riety-¤ Q)\ -) o  - ■ └ о)f-) valid interpretations of-¤ Q( _ъ -) artistic  - ■ └ о)И -) expression.- А\)т █-( Шwз╤&-%¤ () -)4an appreciation o  - ■ └ о( Шf-) our-¤ Q)P -) co  - ■ └ о)/m-)&mon-¤ Q)Y -) humanit  - ■ └ о)дy-) within t  - ■ └ о)зh-)e-¤ Q) -) co)/ntext o  - ■ └ о)Кf-) diverse-¤ Q)Э -) cultures.- А\)л █-( ╥wз╤&-%¤ () -)4the practice o  - ■ └ о( ╥╨f-) thinking-¤ Q)┤   - ■ └ о) c-) ritically  - ■ └ о)Ь,-)  including the-¤ Q( ╥q -) ab  - ■ └ о)/i-) lity-¤ Q)C -) to ■- ¤ А \)' -) find  - ■ └ о)Q,-) recognize  - ■ └ о)╧,-) analyze, ( ┬"evaluate, and communicate ideas, i  - ■ └ о( n-)formatio  - ■ └ о)нn-),-¤ Q)  -) an  - ■ └ о)/d-) opinions-¤ Q)╣ -) as  - ■ └ о)) -) they-¤ Q)V -) relat  - ■ └ о)Ye-) to-¤ Q)4 -) th  - ■ └ о)'e -( F┬products of huma  - ■ └ о( F!n-) intellect-¤ Q)о -) and ■- ¤ А \)H -) imagination.- А\)№ - └о( ,  АА  ! ф! ф Ў! 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